Planning submitted for new house in the South Downs Planning has been submitted for a new contemporary dwelling with spectacular views to the surrounding landscape of the South Down National Park. The dwelling is based upon a farmstead vernacular and is broken down into a collection of single and two storey pitched roof forms, linked by a single storey ‘planted’ flat roof element.
Planning approval in Hindhead New planning approval for a single storey, 2 bedroom home on a challenging site in Hindhead, Surrey. The site came with two previous planning appeal refusals before Re-Format became involved. Planning permission was gained by adopting a unique contextual response based around the large existing trees on site.
Chanida passes Part 3 Congratulations to Chanida Barrett for passing her part 3 exams to qualify as an architect.Chanida has worked tirelessly towards her final qualifications and has grown immensely in confidence and experience during the long process towards becoming an architect.Well done Chanida!
Prince Philip Park, Bordon Planning has been submitted for a 56 dwelling McCarthy Stone retirement living scheme along with 10 affordable apartments as part of the Prince Phillip Park regeneration project at Whitehill & Bordon. The scheme is being put forward as a Reserved Matters Application under the hybrid approval and design code. In accordance with the Design Code, the design of the new buildings is intended to be modern, uncluttered, and simple, with a balanced mix of materials and textures and clear lines.
Buckmore Farm North A Reserved Matters Application has been submitted to the South Downs National Park for 51,000 sq. feet (4730sq. metres) of employment floor space at Buckmore Farm North. From the outset a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) was central to the overall layout. This was designed to manage the stormwater close to its source, to mimic natural drainage and encourage its infiltration and attenuation. The team has developed the appearance of the buildings to reference the local rural vernacular whilst introducing contemporary design and materials to provide an simple and restrained response.
Planning permission granted in Haywards Heath Re-Format is delighted that planning permission has been granted for our 50 apartment Retirement Living development for McCarthy Stone in Haywards Heath, West Sussex. From the outset the design team have developed a scheme that is generated by its unique location and responds to the local urban fabric of mixed use development.
Three contemporary townhouses proposed for Liphook We have applied for permission to construct three high-quality, sustainable, homes on an unused brownfield site in the town of Liphook, Hampshire. Our design is sensitive to the local context, whilst also being contemporary and distinct. Rather than repeating the same elevation, we have created a triptych composition, with a variety of appearances, read as an ensemble to add visual interest to the street scene.
Warmest wishes this holiday season! We are so grateful for the incredible work and dedication of our clients, consultants, and contractors throughout this past year.We wish you all a happy and successful 2023 and look forward to continued collaboration in the year ahead.
Planning submitted to Isle of Wight Planning Authority We are very pleased to have submitted plans to the Isle of Wight Planning Authority for the restoration and conversion of the grade II listed East Dene House, Ventnor into a boutique hotel.In addition to the sensitive conversion of the listed house, the proposals include 16 luxury guest lodges, which are delicately positioned within existing tree clearings throughout the woodland, and a new guest pavilion with communal pool terrace overlooking the Solent.
Work commencing in the New Forest Work is to commence on our new independence hub for Brockenhurst College in the New Forest. The building will incorporate a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) “independence hub” and house its existing foundation studies department. Re-Format are working with project managers Peter Marsh Consulting, contractor Ascia, and structural engineers Paul Basham Associates on this exciting addition for the college.
Welcome to our new website We have undertaken a refresh of our website and added more recent projects for you to explore.
Planning submitted for mixed use development in the South Downs We are very pleased to have submitted plans to the South Downs National Park Authority for a mixed urban infill scheme for 33 apartments alongside a new co-working hub for our clients 6a Vision Homes Ltd.
Lisbon Study Trip 2022 Re-Format enjoyed their time in Lisbon on this year’s study trip. A really beautiful city with so much to see! We visited the Santa Justa Lift, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, EDP Headquarters, Castello de S Jorge, Jose Saramago Museum, and the MAAT Museum. We offset our carbon footprint with a donation to The Woodland Trust.A big thanks to our guide Nelson.
Planning Permission Granted We are delighted to have been granted detailed planning permission for a substantial 8,000 sq. ft. replacement dwelling in the South Downs National Park.Through careful visual impact studies, we were able to demonstrate that an increase of 3 times the size of the original house was contextually appropriate. The house has been laid out as a cluster of forms around a central courtyard, this creates a pleasing architectural composition whilst referencing the precedent of local farmsteads.
New Contemporary Dwelling Works are nearing completion on site for our contemporary dwelling set in a woodland clearing site within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Planning Approval Granted We are delighted to have been granted planning permission in April for our masterplan in Tenterden, Kent, following appeal inquiry. The proposals comprise 141 homes together with a new country park, sports pitches and pavilion set in a series of landscaped greenways for our client Wates Developments.
Innovative self-build development We are delighted to have won outline consent for an innovative self-build development for the Petersfield Community Land Trust, in our home town. Permission involved extensive and collaborative dialogue with the South Downs National Park, in particular our case officer Rafa Grosso Macpherson to deal with complex ecology, drainage, highways, and landscape issues. We very much look forward to developing the reserved matters applications to bring forward these new self-build homes to our locality.
Planning Approval Granted Detailed planning approval granted for Re-Format’s contemporary ‘Retirement Community’ of 36 retirement living appartments for McCarthy Stone. Responding to its ‘transitional zone’ location, the design sensitivity acknowledges the height and density of the adjacent urban fabric.
Civic Trust Award We’re delighted Guildford Baptist Church has been recognised as 2022 Civic Trust Awards Regional Finalist, congratulations to the whole team! The Civic Trust Awards, est. in 1959, celebrate excellent architecture, planning & design. Winners will be announced in January.
Housebuilder Awards 2021 Re-Format are pleased to be finalists in two categories at the Housebuilder Awards 2021 with our Green Haven scheme for McCarthy Stone for best retirement scheme and for our collection of contemporary dwellings at Wingate Meadow Long Sutton for best housing design (below 4 stories). Looking forward to the ceremony on 24th November.
Low energy dwelling Planning consent has been granted for our adaptable, low energy dwelling in Dockenfield. The proposed single storey house replaces a collection of outbuildings within the grounds of a large Edwardian home. Planning was agreed despite the location being outside of settlement an in an area of countryside beyond the Greenbelt.
Planning Granted Detailed Planning Approval has been granted by the South Downs National Park for 10 new homes in the Meon Valley for Metis Homes. Alongside much-needed housing, including four affordable homes, the plans feature a number of local benefits such as significant landscaping and footpath links.
Country Dwelling Exciting proposals for a new country dwelling in the heart of the South Downs. The project used rammed chalk to create a series of monolithic forms.
Guildford Baptist Church Lovely to see the café and terrace at Guildford Baptist Church being enjoyed while the sun’s still out!
New Housing Scheme Our cluster house scheme in East Hampshire develops the theme of communal farmstead courtyard.