Wood Road, Hindhead

Wood Road


A proposed single storey, two bedroom pavilion located on a site that came with two previous planning appeal refusals before Re-Format became involved and obtained planning permission.

The building form responds directly to existing, established site constraints, primarily the RPAs of the two established trees, one on the western boundary and one to the north-west corner of the site.

The RPAs around the trees naturally provide three spaces for courtyards within the site.

The curved western facade of the building provides a physical and visual connection to the main courtyard of the three. The adjacent tree means that dramatic dappled sunlight can penetrate into the courtyard throughout the day.

The Planning Case Officers “consider the proposal of high design merit that has carefully considered the constraints of the site including the truncated plot, the RPA of trees and relationship with amenity space and proximity to neighbouring dwellings. The design evolution from refused schemes has resulted in a proposal that, whilst different, does provide interest and arguably helps raise the standard of design within the immediate area that is noted for its general uniformity.”