


Re-Format was appointed by Wates to prepare a design for the development of their 12.35 hectare site at Appledore Road, Tenterden, comprising 145 new dwellings, (40% affordable) with the following additional elements to meet the needs of the local community:

  • Integrated sustainable drainage system
  • Community orchard
  • Country park
  • Sports pavilion and grass pitches
  • Children’s play area (LEAP)
  • Landscape buffers

The scheme creates a genuinely ‘landscape-led’ proposal, which understands, retains and respects its context, and allows the context to shape the design.

A network of generous greenspaces form the basis for the development, and in doing so create a tangible connection from the centre of Tenterden to a new country park. The development forms a small piece of a considerable new green space offer used for outdoor recreation, formal sport, biodiversity and landscape repair. This land is mainly occupied by the country park which acts as a buffer between the developed part of the site and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We have ensured that the proposals fit carefully into the existing context and respect heritage views to Tenterden and St Mildred’s Church.

Our hybrid planning application shows the residential development in outline only but the proposals have been concerned with scale, built form, density, the relationship of buildings to open space, roads and hardstanding, all in the pursuit of providing a sense of place which complements the existing town.

This proposal is respectful in scale, massing, form and layout and it is generous in its landscape and ecology improvements. It will provide much needed affordable and market housing locally for families, and for young and old alike.

“The team at Re-Format LLP quickly grasped the issues and were proactive in arriving at a design solution the team felt they could all support.

Thereafter they worked tirelessly to facilitate a submission within the client’s timescales, which were it has to say somewhat ambitious, and as a result have helped the project stay ahead of the game locally. Their drive, enthusiasm and team spirit made them a joy to work with and a company I would have no hesitation in recommending to other clients who may need of a fresh and imaginative pair of eyes to assist them.”

Judith Ashton, Client