Prince Philip Park

Prince Philip Park


Re-Format designed a retirement living community for McCarthy Stone on a key site within the regeneration of Prince Philip Park in Whitehill & Bordon. The site is located in the centre of the redevelopment area and within walking distance of the new town centre. This type of residential community is well suited to the location, offering an option for people wanting to downsize and utilise having great amenities on their doorstep.

The development land is subject to an approved Design Code 2, its allocation evolving from the planning approval for the greater regeneration area. The building proposals have been designed to respond specifically to the site conditions as set out in the code, with respect to the privacy and amenity of neighbouring and proposed properties.

Working with the natural topography of the site, the residential blocks will ‘step down’ along the lane from the town centre. The landscaped parking area, communal gardens and new boulevard tree planting will enhance the surrounding streets and pedestrian routes. The proposed buildings define the street pattern, by setting a formal rhythm through the use of setbacks and projecting elements, which provide articulation and visual interest.

The proposed building is designed to interact with the active thoroughfare, by positioning a protecting balcony bay on corner addressing the key entrance. Due to the island site enclosed on all sides by road, or public footpath, all elevations are designed to be active. This allows architectural interest from every vantage point, as well as providing activity to allow natural surveillance of the site.

The ‘L’ shape of the residential block allows a large communal garden to be located and orientated southwest, providing a valuable amenity space for the residents, along with a green hub for flora/fauna, insects and birds. The boundary treatment to the communal garden is to be mid-level and not solid – to allow views in and out of the garden space.