Oakley Oakley Hampshire Re-Format was appointed by Wates to prepare a design for the development of their 9.7 hectare site at Station Road, Oakley, comprising 110 new dwellings, with the following additional elements to meet the needs of the local community: 4.5 ha of multi-functional public open space and landscaping A pedestrian/cycle access through the site and connection to the schools and recreation ground New wildlife habitat areas and wildflower meadows New village green Our design follows a well-conceived and sensitive design approach, and achieves the key objectives for quality place making. The design of the layout responds to the local landscape and nature designations, and creates well-defined spaces, utilising and enhancing the landscape features. The existing landscape assets are retained and enhanced, with a large area of designated land provided as ecological mitigation for the residential development. A sustainable development is created, which will complement and contribute to the settlement of Oakley, providing new dwellings and much needed affordable homes that connect the new neighbourhood to the local services and facilities. The mature established hedgerows are integrated into the design to screen the development and safeguard that the character and purpose of the conservation area to the south is protected.