HSDC Engineering Block

HSDC Engineering Block


Renovation works of the engineering department at HSDC South Downs Campus involved a complete refurbishment of the machinery workshop, creation of new fit for purpose classrooms and social spaces, new lighting and ventilation services.

The college was due to provide Higher Education qualifications from September 2022, so a portion of the campus was to be updated in order to meet these requirements. In addition, the existing building was tired and no longer fit for purpose, including overheating and fire safety issues.

A key design feature was to remove existing outdated grid ceilings and expose the new services running above head. This arrangement then required critical acoustic analysis of the classroom and workshop spaces, in order to provide a comfortable working and learning environment. Acoustic baffling and absorption is provided through expansive ceiling rafts.

Strong colours were chosen by the client to enhance the internal spaces and promote the new branding of the college. The end result is a slick, high quality interior that fits well with the new higher level engineering courses on offer.